Give the formula for calculating ‘gaining share’ of a partner in a partnership firm. Post category:Accountancy Reading time:1 mins read SOLUTION Gaining Share = New Profit Share- Old Profit Share. Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window X Opens in a new window Facebook Opens in a new window Pinterest Opens in a new window LinkedIn Opens in a new window Viber Opens in a new window VK Opens in a new window Reddit Opens in a new window Tumblr Opens in a new window Viadeo Opens in a new window WhatsApp Read more articles Previous PostWhy do we calculate Gaining Ratio? Next PostGive two circumstances in which the Gaining Ratio is computed. You Might Also Like Give two circumstances in which gaining ratio may be applied. September 26, 2022 Mahesh, Ramesh and Suresh are partners in a firm. They do not have a Partnership Deed. At the end of the first year of the business. they faced the following problems: (a) Mahesh wants that interest on capital should be allowed to the partners but Ramesh and Suresh do not agree. (b) Ramesh wants that the partners should be allowed to draw salary but Mahesh and Suresh do not agree. (c) Mahesh and Ramesh want that Suresh should pay interest on loan given to him by the firm but Suresh does not agree. (d) Mahesh and Ramesh having contributed larger amounts of capital, desire that the profits should be distributed in the ratio of their capital contribution but Suresh does not agree. State how you will settle this dispute if the partner approach you for the purpose. September 16, 2022 Current Liabilities of a company are Rs. 1,50,000. Its Current Ratio is 3 : 1 and Acid Test Ratio (Liquid Ratio) is 1 : 1. Calculate values of Current Assets, Liquid Assets and Inventory. August 12, 2022 Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
Mahesh, Ramesh and Suresh are partners in a firm. They do not have a Partnership Deed. At the end of the first year of the business. they faced the following problems: (a) Mahesh wants that interest on capital should be allowed to the partners but Ramesh and Suresh do not agree. (b) Ramesh wants that the partners should be allowed to draw salary but Mahesh and Suresh do not agree. (c) Mahesh and Ramesh want that Suresh should pay interest on loan given to him by the firm but Suresh does not agree. (d) Mahesh and Ramesh having contributed larger amounts of capital, desire that the profits should be distributed in the ratio of their capital contribution but Suresh does not agree. State how you will settle this dispute if the partner approach you for the purpose. September 16, 2022
Current Liabilities of a company are Rs. 1,50,000. Its Current Ratio is 3 : 1 and Acid Test Ratio (Liquid Ratio) is 1 : 1. Calculate values of Current Assets, Liquid Assets and Inventory. August 12, 2022